Find out the connection between China and the Bible.  找出中國和聖經之間的聯繫。

Did you know that an identical account of mankind’s early history as recorded in the Book of Genesis has been discovered hidden within the ancient Chinese written characters?

Welcome to the site of Richard E. Broadberry, a biomedical scientist who has written a number of books and articles on China and the Bible.


His Articles

His Story

His Books

Who is Richard Broadberry?

Richard Broadberry has spent many years in Taiwan dscf1943and Mainland China working in the field of Transfusion Medicine as a Biomedical Scientist. He has published almost 100 articles in that field. In addition, he is co-author of several books detailing how the ancient Chinese worshipped the same God as the ancient Hebrew people. He is married to Maggie and they are proud parents of three beautiful adopted Chinese daughters.

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His Articles

Richard Broadberry has written a number articles on China and the Bible.

View his articles

His Books

He has written several books about the God of the Bible and the Ancient Chinese.

View his books